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  • Lower Electricity Bills - In the Philippines, there are about 20,969,000 households. Compare it with our current estimated population, which is about 109,000,000 plus, we have an average of five persons in one household. And as expected, the energy source that we are most dependent on is electricity. In addition to that, our energy sources are non-renewable – coal, natural gas, crude oil, fossil fuels, etc.

  • Short-Term Costs for Long-Term Benefits - While it is true that first-time users of Solar Panels need to shell out quite a sizeable cost in its purchase and its installation, the benefits, in the long run, will surely be recognizable. At first glance, it is not cheap. However, you need to consider the overall savings you are going to make as well. In fact, residents have attested that once the panels have coped up and can pay for your average monthly energy consumption, it can even pay for itself!

  • Going Solar is Saving the Planet - Homeowners and businesses alike are choosing solar energy at a quicker rate than ever before in the Philippines and even abroad. As mentioned in the first part, the Philippines gets its energy from non-renewable sources.


  • Cheaper Than Its Counterparts - Solar Panels surely can be expensive. But compared to its renewable counterparts such as Hydro Power Plants, Geothermal Plants, and Nuclear Power Plants, it's the cheapest! We are pretty sure that compared to the expenses of building the aforementioned, installing a solar panel at home is not even close to a per cent of their total cost.

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